Monday, June 7, 2010


I am not in the habit of seeing chickens.

And certainly not chickens roaming in a garden just 2 miles from downtown proper. Some might argue that East Side Cafe IS downtown proper. With chickens!

The food is prepared from their own and other local gardens. I got a salad. WEAK order. I mean it was excellent as far as salads go, but the mushroom manicotti, salmon ravioli and vegetarian enchiladas that the others ordered looked way better. I'll make sure I'm hungrier next time I go.

But I loved the gardens, the chickens, and how this is all minutes from downtown. Wild.

East Side Cafe
2113 Manor Road, Austin, TX


  1. You translated my chicken speak perfectly!

    I'll tell you when:

    Bawk, Bawk'aww! Bawk.. bawk bawk. {peck peck...peck}
